Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Pan Fried Dumplings (Guo Tie)

Pan Fried Dumpling (Guo Tie) also known as Gyoza which is a popular dish in China and Japan as well as outside of East Asia. It is a very time consuming but it is fun when all family members share in making the dumpling.

Dough (20-22 pcs):
2 cup flour
¾ cup warm water
Pinch of salt

3 chicken fillets, minced
9 prawns, minced
8 water chestnuts (coarsely chopped)
1 pkt Chives (chopped)
3 glove garlic, minced
2 onion, minced
1 tbsp Tianjin preserved cabbage (冬菜)
1 small pc ginger, minced
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp fish sauce
Salt and pepper to taste

Dipping Sauce:
1 tsp vinegar
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 clove garlic, minced
10 sliced preserved ginger (shredded)

1. Mixed the flour with warm water and salt, knead into a dough and put aside covered by a wet cloth.
2. In a big bowl, mixed all filling's ingredient together and seasoned with light soy sauce, sesame oil, fish sauce, salt and pepper to taste.
3. On a lightly flour surface, halved the dough and rolled into 2 sticks. Divide the stick into 10 equal parts and flatten into circle.
4. Wrapped a teaspoon of the filling into the dough skin and pleat it.
5. Heat oil in a shallow wok and pan fried the dumpling.
6. When one side is brown, sprinkler some water on top, cover the wok and let it cook.
7. Once the water dry up, the dumplings should be cooked by now.

Serve the dumplings with the vinegar dipping sauce.

It is really very time consuming especially the wrapping part...got difficulty in getting it pleat like the standard Guo Tie but the taste rather good.

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